Wednesday, April 29

Lets try this again

Most of you guys know that I had a blog before, but *coughs* my lack of commitment contributed to the downfall of it. tsk tsk Debbay. So why have I decided to re-enter the blooooggsphere(correct word ar Min)??

Lo n behold, its simply because my college life is so happening right now! compared to my high school days... no offence my dear high school buddies. You guys are awesome, but I was lame. And I'm really inspired right now. Shall not stop me when I am. Not saying that its a spur of a moment thing though... I've had this link since forever but I was too lazy.

Anyhoo, hopefully I can keep this blog alive and not embarrass myself yet again. That's all for my not so grand first post.
Shall update soon!


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