Sunday, May 10

Going Too Fast

According to the gang, Debbie is now a noun.

Eng Wei : "Why you so debbie?"
Jireh : "You are so debbie."
Jun You : "You are more debbie than Debbie."
KY : "You are the debbiest."

Sounds cool right? I mean I am a noun wei. Are you a noun? When they were using that, I was like blossoming(kembang) thinking "=D I'm so cool, I am a noun. What does it stand for ar? Pretty? Smart? Awesome?" Well here is the potong stim part. It stands for......
.Blur. =.=

I thought Danial was debbie-er than me?? Why me?!!
I am not blur! Since when am I ever blur? I am damn seng mok ok! Actually.... a little lah, at times but I do it on purpose one lar k! Purposely.

Anyway, I finally got the pictures from our Creative Thinking class the other day. Say thank you to Jireh! So, here was what we were supposed to do. Combine a fruit and a known brand to produce a new product. For example : Apple + Maxis, Banana + MAS etc. And how do you present your product?!!

Melvin : *press**rolls**press*

Unleash your inner child,


Prototype 1

We couldn't help ourselves! Plasticine! How could you resist? So, like many other times, we came up with yet another reason to put PLAY before WORK. *eyebrows wiggling*

New, improved and very ugly Prototype 2

P2 gawking at P1 while he excretes

P2 is mad at P1 because P1 doesn't clean up after he excretes.

P2 : "Eh your lump of poop bloody smelly lar! Don't run away!"

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?

Spongebob and the lump of poop Gary

Sigh, boys


Jireh : A banana a day, keeps the doctor away

Lecturer : "You have 10 more minutes!"

Then only we gan jiong. tsk tsk.

And here are the long anticipated presentations.

Maxis + Durian

Banana + Petronas

They keep saying "LARRY, LARRY" something but I forgot what it stands for.

Long And Really R.... Y....????

Banana + Petronas

like Batman's car ar

Oh I like this.

Durian + MAS


Banana + Maxis

Wah! Maxis Broadband

Banana + Maxis

And our sister group produced this!

Damn cool k. The phone is a banana. And when it rings, you gotta peel it open to answer it XD

Banana + MAS

Oh, and I love the next one the best. When I saw it I was like WHOOAAA... and I thought I saw it sparkling before my eyes! I couldn't stop admiring it. Too genius lar. When you think

BANANA + MAS = Flying Banana

But no, not this group

. They went against all conventional beliefs






Plane with banana PROPELLERS and banana STEWARD/ STEWARDESS! guy or girl ar

Who'd have ever thought of that, right?
They are geniuses.

'nuff said.

The genius group

oh yeah, I forgot, I'm in that group. No wonder lah =)

Testing it in motion

Besides flying what else can you do with it? Eat it when you're hungry ofcourse.

Now everyone can fly for free! Eh wait, thats AirAsia

Love you Mi,


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